President Ali Bongo is “Retired” (Head of Republican Guard)

French based daily “ Le Monde” was able to contact  General Brice Oligui  Nguema, head of Gabon’s Republican Guard, who could become the country’s new strongman while the president is under “house arrest”. The Cotonou Times is translating the interview General Brice Oligui Nguema gave to the French newspaper.

Le Monde : Do you consider yourself the new Gabonese Head of State?

General Brice Oligui Nguema: I’m not declaring myself yet, I’m not planning anything at the moment. This is a debate that we are going to have with all the generals. We’ll meet at 2 p.m. (3 p.m. Paris time). It will be about reaching a consensus. Everyone will put forward ideas and the best one will be chosen, as well as the name of the person who will lead the transition.

Le Monde: Was this coup planned for a long time or was it the proclamation of the results of the August 26 vote, announcing Ali Bongo the winner that pushed you to act?

General Brice Oligui Nguema: You know that in Gabon there is discontent and, beyond this discontent, there is the illness of the head of state (Ali Bongo suffered a stroke in October 2018 which left him weakened ) Everybody was talking about it, but no one took responsibility. He did not have the right to serve a third term, the Constitution was violated, the  voting method  itself was not good. So the army decided to turn the page, to take its responsibilities.

Le Monde : What fate will be reserved  to Ali Bongo?

General Brice Oligui Nguema : He is a Gabonese head of state. He is retired, he enjoys all his rights. He is a normal Gabonese, like everyone else.

Le Monde : Do you confirm that he is under house arrest at his home in Libreville?

General Brice Oligui Nguema :  I can’t tell you anything, you will discover things as you go.


Source : Le Monde



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