Open letter to his Excellency Muhammadu Buhari, President of Nigeria

Urbain Karim Elisio da SILVA Kamar Deen II

1st High Dignitary of the Islamic Community of Porto Novo

Grand Cross of the National Order of Benin

Chairman of the Porto-Novo Council of Elders

  Asiwaju Ilu Ajase


Porto Novo, October 5,2019

Subject : Plea for the reopening of the borders between Benin and Nigeria

Excellency President Muhammadu Buhari

Through this personal endeavor, it is in the name of Islam that I am heading to you in this delicate economic context arising from the closure of the land borders between Nigeria and Benin.

I apologize for the liberty that I am taking, in writing to you as a well informed retired Muslim businessman, who for a long time worked closely with the Nigerian authorities( former holder of the Special Security Pass N°4 issued on June 26, 1968 by The Lagos Garrison Organization- Nigerian Army)

You are a Muslim and so am I, just like millions of Nigerians and Beninese, and therefore I could not possibly remind you Islamic tablets engraved on the tablet of our hearts, especially those of solidarity and mutual assistance between Muslims.

Our disputes should be resolved promptly on high grounds, and appropriate actions should be taken between brothers, like brotherly countries transcending wishful thinking to a practical reality.

Muslims should not remain indifferent to the hardship and suffering of other Muslims as prescribed in Surah Ali ‘Imran (3:129)-Al Qur’an-al Kareem which stipulates: And to Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. He forgives whom He wills and punishes whom He wills. And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.

This precept is reasserted in Surah An-Nisa (4: 14)-Al Qur’an-al Kareem which establishes that:  And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger and transgresses His limits – He will put him into the Fire to abide eternally therein, and he will have a humiliating punishment.

Finally, it is important to underline that this principle is also revealed in Surah An-Nisa (4: 59)-Al Qur’an-al Kareem which stipulates:  O you who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you. And if you disagree over anything, refer it to Allah and the Messenger, if you should believe in Allah and the Last Day. That is the best [way] and best in result.

In the past, on more than an occasion, and even when Nigeria was led by a Christian President, Benin enjoyed the generous care of its powerful protective neighbor.

You, who bears the name of Prophet Mohamed(SAW) and who by the grace of Allah is leading such a powerful and great nation, should be committed to lessen the suffering of the Benin people, who include millions of Muslims, by immediately reopening the borders.

Historically, it is Nigeria who implemented ECOWAS, and our relations with you have always had a major importance in  the Benin economy. In 1970 following a visit of General Yakubu Gowon to Porto-Novo, Muhamad Dicko Yusuf(a.k.a MD Yusuf), former Inspector General of Police and Interior Minister, Samuel Ikoku, Ayo Adebanjo, Ibrahim Bello, a.ka. DAMZ and friends including myself,were instructed to establish an ad hoc commission whose mandate was to study the way and means to improve relations between Nigeria and Dahomey.

As a former member of this commission, let me also point out that hard work was carried out by this ad hoc body, and one the conclusions reached, was that Nigeria will  provide substantial aid to Benin. One of the decisions taken, was recommended by Ibrahim Bello and Samuel Ikoku(both former cabinet members of the Great Panafricanist President Kwame Nkrumah) which was accepted by all the other commission members, became the basis of the creation of ECOWAS.

It is important to underline that some of these decisions taken by the ad hoc commission included the construction of the Idiriko-Igolo-Porto Novo road as well as the Badagry-Seme motorway.

ECOWAS was eventually created on May 28, 1975, and carried out at arm’s length by Nigeria in the international arena, which has enabled the free movement of goods and people in a single economic space. I would like to take this opportunity to reiterate my gratitude to President Yakubu Gowon.

One thing we can agree with,is that the current situation, has its origin in a chauvinist approach, that falls short of the vision the great General Gowon(who made every effort to establish  ECOWAS)had at the time.

It is therefore surprising to note that the closure of Nigeria’s borders with brotherly countries (including Benin) was ordered in the name of the sole development of the Nigerian economy, especially when the reasons given and commented in the media do not withstand scrutiny.

Benin is definitely a small country of 11 million inhabitants on 112600Km2. Besides, Nigeria that you lead is the first economic power in Africa with a population estimated at 200 million people on a territory of 923763km2.

The two countries cannot be compared and it should always be remembered that Nigeria is Benin’s big brother.

Moreover, I would like to move on to another aspect, by appealing to the President who bears the name of Prophet Muhammad(SAW)

Mister President, a Muslim should not starve other Muslims, as it is not conceivable and sensible, especially when his name is Muhammadu.

As far as I am concerned, and as a simple Muslim, I have done what I could for the Islamic Christian dialogue in Nigeria by purchasing, the rights of the Book titled “The Bible,the Quran and Science” written by Dr Maurice BUCAILLE, that I had translated from French to English and distributed free of charge worldwide. Furthermore, I kindly inform you that God enabled me to found a Museum and a Negro&African Pantheon, located in the city of Porto Novo, where the memory of Nigerian heroes and martyrs is conserved .

For sure, you are a General and not everyone can do the same thing, but as a Head of State you must be able to work for the benefit of all religions including yours.

When there is a will, there is a way! How can a Muslim with the name Muhammadu starve other Muslims inneighboring countries? Do you know the number of lives shattered since the borders have been closed?

It is nor fair! You were sick last year and Muslims in Benin, Niger, Cameroon  and elsewhere prayed for you by the thousands in mosques and in their bedrooms. Did you know that ?

Can you imagine one moment that many among them are already shattered by this measure, even if you do not owe them anything?

These Muslims have asked God to grant you good health, without expecting anything in return from you and God listened to them, therefore you cannot destroy their lives and starve them. Would it be fair?

All the more, as your intended economic goal does not require the closure of the borders, which means that an unreasonable quarrel is being carried out against us.

This most closely resembles a punitive expedition against Benin. What crimes have we committed and what is our fault?

Nigeria is a power with tremendous resources and “impossible” is not “Nigerian”. When prohibited products enter Nigeria, that is the fault of Nigeria’s Customs and not the neighboring countries who legally import rice.

Rice does not enter Nigeria in an invisible way or through tunnels, it enters Nigeria and it is transported by very big trucks using roads that are well known to Nigerian Customs.

This rice is then stored within Nigeria in warehouses that the Nigeria Police Force and other security services can easily find if they so wish.

The Benin authorities cannot prevent Nigerian or local companies registered in the country to import rice, as long as the legislation does not prohibit it.

Benin Customs prevent the imports of products that are banned by Benin law. Why would their Nigerian counterparts, who are more numerous and more equipped be unable to do so for products that are clearly visible?

Everyone should do their bit!

There are several battles that an African Head of State must embrace and you have fought some with bravery in Nigeria, such as the fight against corruption that has earned you the admiration of all, from Nigeria to Benin.

The most important in Africa is to put an end,within the limits of the law to excessive inequalities whose origin is the insolent wealth, which cannot be justified by labor and  individual effort.

Our President here in Benin is also fighting some battles. A special court aimed at fighting corruption has put a serious brake to economic crimes and drug trafficking.  This is to tell you that Benin is making every effort to stop undesirable activities on its soil and Nigeria could do the same if such is its intent.

I therefore reiterate that an unreasonable dispute is carried out against Benin! Would Nigeria sanction Benin for malicious objectives? I refuse to believe that!

Former Nigeria President Olusegun Obasanjo, a Christian told a Nigerian Ambassador he was sending to Benin: “I am sending you home”

When a serious matter arose a couple of years ago, in which Benin’s responsibility was established, late former President Mathieu Kerekou went to visit his brother Obasanjo and the latter forgave him.

Why are you sanctioning Benin today, when the problem stems from Nigerian Customs,?

It would suffice Mister President, that more efficient and appropriate measures are taken to achieve what you are  legitimately fighting for, and it would require a bit of courage and a great deal of good will,to contain the scourge represented by the importation into Nigeria of prohibited goods.

Otherwise, a flagrant infringement to the free movement of people and goods would have been committed.  This would strip Nigeria from its authority in the region as it could no longer act as the ECOWAS guarantor, having violated ECOWAS protocols.

Moreover, I would ask you not to link to the current situation to the Benin debt towards Nigeria regarding electricity, as it blurs the message and gives the impression that Nigeria is after Benin.

As a matter of fact, it is unfriendly and hostile that Benin debt to Nigeria has become a cause of disparagement through a bad advertisement for Benin, which takes the form of an unnamed retaliation. It is with all this mind Mister President, that I urge you to move forward with the reopening of the borders, whose closure here and elsewhere is perceived as a disguised sanction taken for other purposes.

And if in spite of all my explanations, you think that I have offended you President Muhammad Buhari, please forgive me and may God bless you and the Great Nigeria that you have the honor to lead.

Please accept your Excellency, the assurance of my highest consideration.

Karim da SILVA






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